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[eBook]라울선생님의토익어휘실전 (Vol.4) (211) 211. Recently the development team in the Orange. Co. in California is recreating simpler User Interface in order to keep its existing clients more -----. (A) satisfies(B) satisfaction (C) satisfying (D) satisfied https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M74j5-DsOM 더보기
5. 샴푸의 요정 (The Fairy Of Shampoo) - 샴푸의 요정 (The fairy of Shampoo) - Light & Salt (빛과 소금) 네모난 화면 헤치며 (=Coming thru the square screen,) 살며시 다가와 (=approaching me secretly, and) 은빛의 환상 심어준 그녀는 (=planting a silver fantasy in me,) 나만의 작은 요정 (=she is my own little fairy.) 이른 아침 안개처럼 (=Like early morning fog) 내게로 다가와 (=she approached me, and) 너울거리는 긴 머리, (=with her wavy long hair,) 부드러운 미소로 (=with her soft smile,) 속삭이네 (=whispers to me... 더보기
4.그댄 봄비를 무척 좋아하나요? (Do You Like Spring Rain Very Much?) - 그댄 봄비를 무척 좋아하나요? (Do you like spring rain very much?) - Bae Tha Ra Gi 그댄 봄비를 무척 좋아하나요? (=Do you like spring rain very much?) 나는요. 비가 오면, (=As for me, when it rains,) 추억 속에 잠겨요. (=I fall into memory.) 그댄 바람소리 무척 좋아하나요? (=Do you like wind sound very much?) 나는요, 바람 불면, (=As for me, when wind blows,) 바람 속을 걸어요. (=I walk inside the wind.) 외로운 내 가슴에, (=My lonely heart,) 나 몰래 다가와 (=secretly she appro.. 더보기