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Dear English Speakers~! Enjoy A Free Novel Translated by Me, Raoul Teacher~! The Magician of My Life-5: English Version [Kindle Edition]Nam Kang (Author), Raoul Teacher (Translator)Be the first to review this itemDigital List Price:$0.99 What's this? Kindle Price:$0.00 includes free international wireless delivery via Amazon WhispernetYou Save:$0.99 (100% http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00MRHWGVU/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_awdm_snn9tb1S93H05 더보기
날 생각해 주오 (Think of me) - The Phantom Of The Opera * 라울선생님의 추억의 팝송 번역 (Vol.9) (No. 183)Raoul Teacher's Good Old Pops In Korean 183.날 생각해 주오 (Think of me) - The Phantom Of The Opera Think of me. Think of me fondly 날 생각해 주오. 날 생각해주오 when we've said goodbye 다정하게 우리 작별 말했을 때. Remember me. 날 기억해주오. Once in a while 가끔씩은 please promise me you'll try 애써 보겠다고 약속해주오. When you find that once again, 그대가 그걸 다시 한 번 더, you long to take your heart back and be f.. 더보기
아주 가끔은 (Once In A While) -Shin, Hae-cheol \ (The Pic shows my ad in an education institute about 8 years ago in Busan, S. Korea) - 라울선생님의 외국인 한국어 강좌 (K-Pop Korean) (77) - (아주 가끔은) .- 아주 가끔은 (Once in a while) - Shin, Hae-cheol Translated & Sung by Raoul Teacher, Won gil Park 대낮에 길을 걷다보면 (=During the day, walking on the street) 썰렁함을 느껴. (=makes me feel chilly,) 왜 그렇게 황당한 표정으로 (=Why do they see me) 날 쳐다들 보는지? (=in so embarrassing faces?) 난.. 더보기