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북한발 핵폭탄과유도탄들인가? Nukes and News from DPRK? #북한발 #핵폭탄과유도탄 들? #국정농단 은 누가했나? 지나간 검은 그림자 짙어 #정국마비 는 #20대국회 가 저지른 것이다. 특히 사사건건 반대만 일삼아 온 #거대야당 은 이 나라에 필요한가? 지나간 수많은 이슈들 속에 그것을 숨기려 갖은 음모와 술수를 부려온 #북한과내통한자들. #북핵을감싸고도는자들 그들이 문제이다. #말많고떠드는자들의더거대한비리들 국민들이 없다고 믿겠는가? #이제그만들하라. 더보기
Quora - Nukes and News Won Gil Park shared an answer on #Quora with you - What is the #politicalsituation in South Korea right now? Lady Soon Shill, Choi will be imprisoned due to her faults but it must be nothing compared to those old politicians in the opposition party who have always been the best friends of Kim Jung Un and his regime? North Korea always barks and threatens the US with its nukes? And the nukes seem.. 더보기
Quora- North Korea Lies? Won Gil Park shared an answer on #Quora with you - What are some lies North Korea tells its citizens that are obvious but they believe it any way? North Korea says it is the Paradise on earth But many people from low hungry class to high full class has been voluntary #defectors. Why? After killing it's 3 M innocent people with its wrong policies in 1990s, the North Korea regime was about to fall.. 더보기
Better than illegal Chinese fishing boats? #Righteous 속시원 #최순실사태를이용대통령을공격하는무리 들이, #중국어선무리들 보다 나은 점이 있는가? #Chinafishingboats illegally fishing in Korea territory was about to arrange and destroy ROK police boats. So ROK police shot a gun to them but no one got harmed or killed. But Chinese illegal fishers ran away. From some politicians and journalists in ROK that are attacking the lady president, I can't tell any difference with the Chin.. 더보기
Quora - The Reason of Korea Japan War in 1592 #임진왜란 이유 마구잡이식 #진격의거인 스타일 때문. #정명가도 란 명을 칠테니 조선은 길을 열어라는 식. Won Gil Park shared an answer on Quora with you - Why did Japan invade Korea in the late 1500s? We Koreans say that Jong Myoung Ga Do was Japanese request to Joseon Dynasty at that time. It means Joseon Dynasty in Korean Peninsula should agree to Japanese style of Shin ge kino kyonjin aggressive attack to China and give way to it. But t.. 더보기
Quora-Japanese Hatred to Korea? 일본식 #혐한감정 에 대해 스스로 불안하기 때문이다. Won Gil Park shared an answer on Quora with you - It's easy to see why Koreans hate Japanese, but why do Japanese hate Koreans? by Won Gil Park https://www.quora.com/Its-easy-to-see-why-Koreans-hate-Japanese-but-why-do-Japanese-hate-Koreans/answer/Won-Gil-Park?srid=u6lJ3&share=7b469e38 더보기
Quora 15,000 views to my Answers #Quora 15,000 views to my Answers #미국판네이버지식인 #이틀동안1만5천조회수 Am I able to move 300M US? 3억 미국을 움직일 수 있겠는가? Am I able to touch the world? 세계를 감동시킬 수 있겠는가? The Philippine president Duterte wants his country, the Pearl of Asia to be improved and developed like other Asian developed countries. To do it, he has tried every means possible and got a lot of support from the public there. And then he needs .. 더보기
Punishment & Reinforcement My Question The use of punishment as a classroom management tool is controversial. Do you believe there are any circumstances in which punishment is permissible in schools? 벌에 관한 논란이 많은 데 학교에서 허용되는 상황이 있다고 여겨지는가? My Answer Yes it can be depending on a student's behavior. 뉴스에 나온 것들만 추리더라도 얼마든지 있을 수 있다고 여겨집니다. 가령, 어느 고등학생이 장난 삼아 교사에게 빗자루로 위협을 가한다든지, 반말을 한다든지 교사에게 위해를 가하는 행동 등 비인륜적인 행위를 했을 시에는, 단순한.. 더보기
South Korea Answer Won Gil Park shared an answer on Quora with you - South Korea: what do Korean people think of Park Geun-Hye? by Won Gil Park https://www.quora.com/South-Korea-what-do-Korean-people-think-of-Park-Geun-Hye/answer/Won-Gil-Park?srid=u6lJ3&share=7ac7a48e 더보기
요즘 시위대의 특징 요즘 시위대의 특징 아무 개념이 없다. #부산행좀비 그 이상도 그이하도 아닌듯? 그냥 #종북사상 에 물리면 그걸로 #종북좀비 로 변신. 그걸로 끝? #개똥같은짓거리만일삼는듯? #최순실 이 잘못했어도, #북핵밀어준놈들 보다, #국민들총살하는김정은 보다 나쁘겠나? 그런데 그들의 말이 최선인것 같은가? #게이의날저질쇼하듯, #개똥양아치미친시위대 놈들 아니라고 자신하는가? 연합뉴스 http://app.yonhapnews.co.kr/YNA/Basic/SNS/r.aspx?c=AKR20161031177500004 더보기