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Quora - The Reason of Korea Japan War in 1592

#임진왜란 이유
마구잡이식 #진격의거인 스타일 때문.
#정명가도 란 명을 칠테니 조선은 길을 열어라는 식.

Won Gil Park shared an answer on Quora with you - Why did Japan invade Korea in the late 1500s?

We Koreans say that Jong Myoung Ga Do was Japanese request to Joseon Dynasty at that time.

It means Joseon Dynasty in Korean Peninsula should agree to Japanese style of Shin ge kino kyonjin aggressive attack to China and give way to it.

But the result was quite different from Japanese scheme cuz it just came from the desire to control Samurai soldiers well by giving them more land and more chances.

by Won Gil Park