애터미절대품질절대가격 썸네일형 리스트형 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-7 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-7 Although I enjoyed #SiquijorSquidLiquidFood and others, I had to see that there are only 4 ships from Monday to Saturday and Sunday only one ship at 7 in the morning. I think sailing at night was not safe and I understand it.:) #시키호섬배편 이 월토까지 단지 하루 네편, 일요일 오전 7시 한편만 있다는 것이 약간 불편하긴 하지만, 야간 밤 항해는 위험하니 이해할 만하다. 더보기 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-6 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-6 #Siquijor Island was so beautiful that anyone can love this place. Actually we stayed in Dante , Blazingmind Creativity 's big brother Mr.Rick's house. The home was very spacious and comfortable. And Siquijor islanders were very generous with very spacious places. I was happy to make friends with them. 시키호섬은 아름다운 곳이었다. 그곳분들과 친구가 되어 좋았다. 더보기 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-5 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-5 After meeting with #Cebu partners, I went to the #Dumagutte and the #Siquijor. When we arrived at the pier of Dumaguete at 7p.m., we found no ship. So we had to wait till the next morning. #세부 미팅 후 #두마게티항구 에 저녁 7시에 도착했는데, 거기 #시키호 가는 배가 저녁 여섯시면 끊긴다는 것을 몰라 다음날 오전7까지 기다려야 했다. 더보기 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-3 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-3 Cebu street music room. 5 pesos for 1 song worth 125 KW. :) 더보기 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-2 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-2 #Cebu island, in Joseph's home 2 meter- long pig is amazing:) #세부 섬, 2미터넘는 돼지가 놀랍다. 더보기 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-1 My 3rd Visit to the Philippines-1 세번째 필리핀 방문 Auto Immigration Clearance Service I passes . And there are some people smoking near 9th entrance. I changed 10,000KW into 400 Pesos not to be broke there. :) the airport process is rather hectic so I try here and there to shorten lengthy time. @BlazingmindCreativity will wait for me at Cebu with his own Brilliant Creativity:) 탑승수속은 간단한게 좋다. 자동출입국심사 등.. 더보기 Atomy Cosmetics Reviews #AtomyCosmetics #Reviews from the public https://www.amazon.com/Atomy-Skin-Care-6-System/product-reviews/B005713US6 더보기 인내하라! Be Patient! A simple reminder to all Atomians 모든 필리핀 애터미인들에게 Be patient, #인내하라 continue to persist and move in the direction of your dream. 꾸준하게 꿈의 방향으로 나아가라 Many times a dream has a life of its own. 많은 순간 꿈은 그만의 생명이 있다. It will take you on a journey to build your character, your confidence and your faith. 꿈은 그대만의 개성, 자신감과 신념을 짓는 여행을 떠나게 할 것이다. Be patient! Patience does not mean being inactive. 인내는 가만있는 게 아.. 더보기 Atomy Trust Rating AAA Atomy Trust Rating AAA the best 애터미 신용등급출처 : 10년에 100.. http://naver.me/FeGz53Pp 더보기 Prosumers (=프로슈머) #프로슈머 가 주도하는 신유통의 혁명!》》》(펌) The Revolution of Circulation Led By Prosumers 우리나라는 1960년대부터 경제개발 5개년 계획이 시작되었다. 그때부터 우리나라 유통은 근대화되기 시작했으며 70년대에 처음으로 도입 되었던 것이 슈퍼마켓이었다. S.Korea began the Economic Development 5-year Plan in the 1960s. Since then the circulation market started to be modernized and in the 1970s supermarkets were introduced in S.Korea. 슈퍼마켓으로 돈을번 유통업자들은 80년대에는 그 다음의 유통형태인 백화점으로 뛰어 든다. .. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ··· 16 다음