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Hidden K-Pop Spirit ( 48 ) The Song Of March 1st

Hidden K-Pop Spirit (48)
The Song Of March 1st

우리는 과거사를 반성하지 않는 일본의 자세를 늘 느끼고 있다. 우리가 늘 잊지 않아야 할 가치란 무엇인가? 그것은 우리는 천여번의 외침에도 굴하지 않았으며, 타국을 침략하지도 않았던 우리만의 선비 정신이 아닐런지. 우리의 정신세계는 목마른 날 만나는 옹달샘보다 가치있다.

We have always felt the uncomfortable attitude from Japan regime that never says sorry to other neighbors about its wrongdoings of the past. I think it's the Korean Seonbi (=nobleman ) Spirit that has received more than 1K invaders but never invaded others that is needed this time and age. Korean Spirit is worth more than the Spring that we need on a thirsty day.

May 2nd, 2015
Written by Author Won-gil, Park
Seoul, S.Korea

The Original

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