#태극기물결 과 어떤 #자해스님
TaguggiRally and a burnt Monk against it
몇명안되는 #촛불시위 에서 옛 #통진당원 이었던 #종북성향 의 스님이 #분신 자해 시도를 하여 병원에 있다.
Candle Rally with less people seemed to stimulate a Communist monk to burn himself and he was in bed at a hospital.
왜 그럴까? #공산혁명 을 위해 수단방법 가리지 않는 자들의 #무식함 과 #잔인함 과 교활함 에 여론은 이제 냉담해졌다.
But from the so many people in Taguggi Rally, common citizens regard Candle Rally as a danger to the Democracy of ROK.
생명을 귀하게 자애로워야 할 자들이 자해라? 드디어 한상균마저 보호하던 조계종부터, #한국불교는갈길을잃었는가? 또한 서울 어느건설현장 인부둘 흙에 묻힌 그 7시간 동안 서울시장은 사람없는 촛불집회에 가 즐거웠는가?
The burnt monk looked down on the meaning of life, which means Korea Buddhism lost its way and reputation from the public. And even more, Seoul mayor was in the Candle Rally while two workers got buried underground in the construction place. What was Seoul mayor doing for 7 hours while there was an accident under construction? One of the 2 buried got killed already.
TaguggiRally and a burnt Monk against it
몇명안되는 #촛불시위 에서 옛 #통진당원 이었던 #종북성향 의 스님이 #분신 자해 시도를 하여 병원에 있다.
Candle Rally with less people seemed to stimulate a Communist monk to burn himself and he was in bed at a hospital.
왜 그럴까? #공산혁명 을 위해 수단방법 가리지 않는 자들의 #무식함 과 #잔인함 과 교활함 에 여론은 이제 냉담해졌다.
But from the so many people in Taguggi Rally, common citizens regard Candle Rally as a danger to the Democracy of ROK.
생명을 귀하게 자애로워야 할 자들이 자해라? 드디어 한상균마저 보호하던 조계종부터, #한국불교는갈길을잃었는가? 또한 서울 어느건설현장 인부둘 흙에 묻힌 그 7시간 동안 서울시장은 사람없는 촛불집회에 가 즐거웠는가?
The burnt monk looked down on the meaning of life, which means Korea Buddhism lost its way and reputation from the public. And even more, Seoul mayor was in the Candle Rally while two workers got buried underground in the construction place. What was Seoul mayor doing for 7 hours while there was an accident under construction? One of the 2 buried got killed already.
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