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국제망신 선동언론

#국제망신  #선동언론
Troublemaker Korea Journalists

Dear #CNNI #NHK #BBC #WashingtonPost

Jtbc가 #어글리코리안 의 표준인가? #나라망신 그만시키고 이북으로 사라지라.
The #Jtbc journalist can be sentenced to jail cuz he used the term of extensive financial economic crime and then called the Denmark police to catch Yoo ra Chung.
And he soon said she was illegal to stay there.

But in fact, she was free to stay there. So he lied to the police and even shot a film in the court against the court law. What a shame.
Ugly Koreans are from Jtbc right?
#덴마크법원, #한국언론 의 #법정내정유라인터뷰 #문제삼아 -  http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&sid1=001&oid=011&aid=0002950230