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라울선생님 내과 방문기 ( 2 ) - Won-gil, Park's Visit to a Clinic

라울샘 내과 방문기 (2)
Won-gil, Park 's Visit to a Clinic

결과를 보시더니, 혈관에 이물질이 쌓인 것이 약하게 있으니 한달 약처방 받고, 라면 그만 드시고, 글만 쓰지말고 뒷동산에라도 다니라 합니다. 그리고, 제 유튜브등 제 얘길 해드리니 너무 좋아하시며 조언 많이 주셨습니다.사진 한장 찰칵 해드렀습니다. 정많으신 교장샘 스타일 #방영근 원장님, 감사합니다.

Aftet watching my checkup result sheet, the doctor advised me to take some prescribed pills for a month and then visit him again. And he added that I should stop eating instant noodles and start enjoying slight hiking to a mountain behind my home. When I told him my story about YouTubes and so briefly, he got happy and gave me more advice, and took a pose for my photo. Thanks, Dr.Bahng. You remind me of my ex-principal who was so nice and kind.