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Dear Michael

To #CNNI #NHK #BBC #WashingtonPost

Dear Michael

You are wrong because Strange Candle Rally is almost over. More and more people are holding Taeguggi, the national flag of S.Korea,not the shameful Candles  and then the number reaches more than 1 million people. And more than half of Koreans still want our lady president to be free from those inner Communists.

And then, those who are smiling watching this Insane Candle Rally in Seoul and Pyongyang will turn into the evidence of worldly shame soon. 

From Author Won-gil Park S.Korea

요지는 수치스런 촛불은 태극기로 꺼지니,
니도 꺼지라

#마이클브린, " #한국민주주의는 법(法)이 아닌 #야수가된인민이지배한다" : 조선pub(조선펍) - http://m.pub.chosun.com/mobile/news/view.asp?cate=C03&mcate=M1001&nNewsNumb=20161222455&nidx=22456

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