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Raoul Teacher's Returning to S.Korea

I arrived in In-cheon S.Korea
인천 공항 도착

The expected time was at  7:30 but due to the low thick clouds and my help to carry the luggage for Captain Kim and lady Hong took me some time to get on the train to home, from the left blue dot to the right blue dot in the complicated Seoul Subway System. Now is 9:40 p.m in S.Korea while 8:40 p.m. in the Philippines. The sleepier my body gets ,the clearer my mind turns with the memories I had with you.

원래는 7시반 계획이었지만, 낮고 짙은 구름 과 일행분들 짐 도와주는 시간 등으로 이제 지하철 타고 가는 중. 몸이 잠 올수록, 정신은 그대들과의 추억으로 더  맑아진다.