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I am here. Tour To the Philippines-21

I am here. Tour To the Philippines-21

I think I write a long story nowadays. At dawn 4:30 without traffic I arrived early in #BaguiothePhilippines . I gave a few #MilkThystle and #Probiotics for the pastor Lopez health to help stop coughing and intestine movement. And I met my Fb Crisanta Estayo Padilla family members, and then a pastor Song Ahn Cheol , who are very famous around the town. I thank you for the kindness and pray for your God's Glory to the Baguio People .

새벽 네시반 도착 #바기오. #애터미 사 유통하는, 장운동 도움용 #프로바이오틱스 와 간피로 회복용 #밀크시슬 을 마르따 목사님 부부에게 호의에 대한 감사의 선물로 드리니 좋아하셨다. 그리고 어학사업 종사하는 크리산타 가족과 선교중이신 송안철목사님 뵙게되어 기뻤다. 바기오분들에게 영광이 있기를!