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I am here. Tour To the Philippines-13

I am here. Tour To the Philippines-13

삼륜차 모는 28세 청년 닐. 영화배우 같다며 사진 찍자하니 따라나오는 아줌마식구들.일부러 뷰리풀 해주니 좋아죽는 스모선수  급 덩치 아줌마들 좀 무서움.ㅎ 사람들 정서는 정많고 단순한 한국 시골 분들 비슷하다. No Tresspassing은 무단침입금지.

Neil who drives a Tricycle looks rather shy when I took a pic of him.  Then his family women came out. I said to them Beautiful as flattery. Then a woman who is twice bigger than me(?)  laughed out loud. I was a little scared. Haha. Anyway they look like simple countrymen in S.Korea.