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친구방문과 인천차이나타운 ㅡ4

친구방문과 인천차이나타운 ㅡ4
My friend and #InCheonChinaTown

#인천중구북성동 역사가 깃든 곳. 동사무소도 중국식. 중국 #월병 과 #공갈빵 하나 사들고 복귀. 나가긴 귀찮지만 나가면 나름 흔적을 남긴다.

The refugee lives were being felt and China mood was being felt with its District Office Chinese Style construction.After buying some #ChinaCookies , I am returning, trying to leaving my trace there behind.

July 12th, 2016
Author Won-gil Park
in In-cheon S.Korea