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치과방문기ㅡ Visit to a Dentist ( 2 )

치과방문기ㅡ Visit to a Dentist ( 2 )

실상 나는 개인적으로 병원 방문을 좋아하지 않는다.특히, 치과는 비용도 많이 비싼 편이라 보험든 사람들도 많지만, 나는 국민건강보험 말고는 없다. 허나.지난3년 학원을 접고 집필과 나눔에만,유튜브 촬영에만 집중해 온 세월이 긴지, 얼마전에 갔다온 건강관리공단에선, 위에 염증있다하며 평생 받아본적 없는 위내시경 검사도 받아보라하고, 좀 나자신을 챙겨갈 시기가 온것 같다.

Actually, I am not fond of visiting clinics or hospitals. Especially a dental treatment would cost your arm and a leg, so expensive in expenses. So many people are in dental insurance coverage, but I don't do it except everybody's National Medical Insurance that is a must to all. However, after I stopped by a National Health Institute for free checkup, they advised me to visit them again due to some wounded part on my stomach.I think it is time for me to take care of myself, after 3 years' of writing, filmimg on YouTube, & sharing.