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북한 미사일 발사 언론평

북한이사일 발사 언론평

North Korea test-fires ballistic missile, South Korea says

By Steve Almasy, #CNN
(CNN) #NorthKorea on Sunday test-fired a #BallisticMissile, an official in the South Korean Ministry of Defense told CNN.
It is the first missile test conducted by North Korea since Donald Trump became US president.
Another source within the Defense Ministry told CNN that North Korea launched a projectile from North Pyongan Province.
The missile traveled 500 kilometers (310 miles) and landed in the Sea of Japan, also known as the East Sea, sources said.
The launch appears to have involved an intermediate range ballistic missile, a senior US official told CNN.
A State Department official said, "We are aware of reports and monitoring the situation carefully."
Retired Lt. General Mark Hertling said the test was a step toward an intercontinental ballistic missile.
"That's the goal of the North Korean politicians," he said. "This intermediate ballistic missile is certainly dangerous.
It has a greater range than some of the Musudan missiles that they have been testing prior to that. And it's not only a concern
for the United States to hit the mainland, but it also has concerns for all of our Asia partners."
In January, US and South Korean officials told CNN that North Korea might be readying two intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) for a test launch in the near future.
North Korea has never successfully tested an ICBM, despite repeatedly showing off at military parades what it claims are working missiles.
North Korea also has test-launched ballistic missiles from submarines.
North Korea is prohibited from carrying out ballistic missile launches under UN Security Council resolutions aimed in part at curbing the
country's development of nuclear weapons.
중요한 내용만 아래 요약한다....
1, 북한이 일요일 미사일 발사...이 뉴스의 source 는 대한민국 국방부이다.
이 미사일은 미 트럼프대통령 당선 후 첫번째 도발이나.
2.미사일은 500km날아 동해 (일본해)에 안착했다. 이 미사일은 중거리 탄도미사일이라고 미국 관꼐자가 언급..
미 국무부는 이 뉴스를 알고 있으며, 상황을 면밀하게 주시하고 있는 중~
3. Mark Herting 예비역 장군은 이는  북의 목표인 대륙간미사일  성공을 위한 한 단계이며, 중거리탄도미사일 성공도
위협이라고 평가. 이는 미국뿐만 아니라, 이 지역의 동맹국 (일본, 대한민국)에게 우려할만한 상황밈....
5. 북한은 대륙간미사일 발사에서 성공한 적은 없으나, 잠수함에서 미사일 발사한 경험도 있음...
6. 유엔 안보리는 북한의 핵폭탄 개발 저지를 위해  탄도미사일 발사를 불허하고 있고, 미사일 발사는 유엔안보리 의결을 위반한 행위...

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